The Federal Government has been accused of conducting a misleading expression of interest (EoI) process for quantum computing. 

Critics say the EoI solicited information from local businesses while the government was already in advanced talks with PsiQuantum. 

Politicians have labelled the EoI as “disingenuous” and “possibly a sham”.

The $940 million investment in the Californian startup is criticised for skewing the market against Australian companies. 

Former independent senator Rex Patrick, who sought the EoI document, says the investment decision seemed predetermined. 

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) initially refused to release the EoI document but did so after a freedom of information request.

DISR secretary Meghan Quinn claims that “probity and integrity issues and commercial confidentiality” limited EoI details. 

PsiQuantum was reportedly not invited to participate in the EoI, which was issued after non-binding discussions had begun. 

The EoI asked 21 unnamed firms for information on developing a “commercial-scale university fault-tolerant quantum computer” in Australia by 2030. In mid-September, the same month the EoI closed, the government began intensive discussions with PsiQuantum.

More details are accessible here.