Archived News for IT Professionals - October, 2018
NASA is preparing to send off the most prolific planet-hunting machine in history.
Water app for citizen science
CSIRO has launched a new app to empower citizens scientists to monitor water quality.
Cranes gamed for serious safety
Australian researchers have used video game software to enhance the safety of crane lift training and operation.
'Twisted' light for fibre boost
A new development could vastly increase the speed of fibre-optic communication.
Coral 'bots backed
Researchers say match-making robots could be used to help increase coral spawning.
Google reveals string of sackings
Google has fired 48 employees for sexual harassment over the past two years.
BOM responds to forecast concerns
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has responded to claims it was damaging its forecasting.
Data open to 'authority creep'
Critics say “authority creep” is allowing increasing numbers of government agencies to access people’s data.
Warning over myGov tracking
People fleeing domestic violence have been warned that former partners could trace them via their children's myGov accounts.
Smartphone cancer check coming
Australian engineers are developing a low cost, easy to use cancer detector, designed to be attached to a smart phone.
Telstra admits 000 failing
Telstra has taken responsibility for an outage that saw over 1,400 calls to triple-zero going unanswered earlier this year.
AI enhances atom-trapping
Artificial intelligence has improved on human-designed quantum science experiments.
Call to widen My Health window
A Senate committee has recommended Australians be given another year to opt out of the My Health Record system.
Feds want to filter searches
The Federal Government wants to be able to instruct Google to demote search results for pirate sites.
Tech firm gives back door warning
Cisco has contradicted Peter Dutton’s claims that the government’s decryption bill will not result in “back doors” in their products.
Nine-Fairfax merge maintained
The merger of Fairfax and Nine appears likely to go ahead, despite a recent share price slump.
Protection plan for city square
Melbourne's Federation Square has been put up for heritage protection ...
Leaves seen in new detail
New imaging and modelling technologies are transforming the field of plant science.
Gloves grasp at virtual future
Engineers are working on new gloves that let users touch, grasp and manipulate virtual objects.
Apple issues decryption warning
Apple says the Federal Government’s new decryption bill could create security weaknesses and force it to spy on users.