Archived News for IT Professionals - June, 2017
The Commonwealth Bank is cutting 150 staff from its Brisbane operations.
Local porn habits reviewed
Research suggests more Australian teenagers are viewing porn and doing so at a younger age than ever.
New tech opens molecular window
Queensland researchers are working on a diagnostic technique that can sense down to the single-molecule level.
Snapshot shows changing nation
Experts have highlighted a number of interesting points in the Census ...
Fines held back after camera attack
Police have had to cancel hundreds of speeding tickets and fines after a virus ...
Liberal site for 'woke generation'
Australia’s Liberal party has launched a new website modelled after rival campaigning organisations such as Getup!.
Virtual homelessness misses mark
The CEO Sleepout charity has introduced a virtual reality homelessness experience.
'Robo-debt' flaws exposed
A Senate inquiry has called for a reassessment of debts from Centrelink’s controversial debt recovery ...
Australia's CubeSat makes contact
Researchers have marked Australia’s first foray into space in 15 years ...
Defence dodges data outsourcing
The Defence Department will move secret files into a government data hub, after a Chinese consortium bought half of Sydney data centre that was hosting them.
Supercomputer needs support
The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)’s Raijin supercomputer has been ranked Australia’s fastest.
Call for teleheath continuity
Advocates want to make sure funding for important telehealth services stays strong.
New tech for charging in motion
Stanford University engineers have developed a new way to charge devices wirelessly, while they are in motion.
PC calls TUSO 'deficient'
The Productivity Commission says the telecommunications universal service obligation (TUSO) is “deficient” ...
Police push for big IBM deal
The NSW police force is spending $55 million combining all its technology into a single IBM mega-contract.
Defibrillator drones tested
Researchers are investigating the idea of attaching defibrillators to drones.
Robo-tool to check stroke effects
Researchers are working on a new robotic tool for stroke survivors.
ABS arms itself against failure
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is bringing in the big guns to help out with the 2021 Census after last year's disastrous national survey.