Archived News for IT Professionals - January, 2017
Smart watches could soon be used to predict illnesses before their wearer knows they are coming.
Turnbull renews TPP drive
While the Trans-Pacific Partnership took a beating in the US election cycle, other world leaders want to see it go ahead.
Worldwide e-waste reviewed
Research has warned that waste from discarded electronic gadgets and electrical appliances poses a threat to health and the environment.
Black Spot scheme expanded
The Federal Government has detailed the latest $60 million round of its Mobile Black Spot Program.
Graphene growing new dimensions
MIT has designed what it says is one of the strongest lightweight materials ever.
Bus-net bothers Greens
The NSW Government has moved to defend a sponsored trial of ‘free’ wi-fi on buses.
Centrelink creates automated chaos
The Federal Government’s ability to run a tech service has not improved over the New Year break.
Data laws decried amid review
The telecommunications industry is launching a fresh push to change Australia’s data retention laws.
Dodgy watches in legal first
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is suing two purveyors of fake Swarovski watches on its online marketplace platform Taobao.
SABRENet could save Adelaide
Adelaide’s high-speed academic internet system will be expanded this year.