Archived News for IT Professionals - October, 2015
The Australian Signals Directorate says cyber attacks on business and government increased by 20 per cent last year, and it appears firms are moving quickly to protect themselves.
Telco complaints shift to new services
The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) says it has seen a sharp increase in complaints about the National Broadband Network (NBN).
IP experts speak on big gene ruling
A two-time cancer-surviving grandmother has won a groundbreaking legal battle to protect her genetic rights.
WA tech losses triple amid
Despite a promised crackdown, the number of laptops and mobile phones stolen from WA Government departments has increased significantly.
ISDS threat still looms in secret TPP pages
Trade ministers are gushing about the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, but anyone who wants to know the details will have to take their word for it.
Australia joins international brain game
Australia is joining the BRAIN Initiative – one of the largest and most exciting global research projects.
Drone port plan could bring big Rwandan boost
A group of architects and developers have proposed building a series of ‘drone port’ that would allow cargo drones to get essential supplies to rural parts of Africa.
Local team tops organic transistor comp
Australian engineers have created the most effective and highest frequency organic transistor in the world.
Merger could bring third player to Optus/Telstra game
A big new player could soon make its mark on the Australian telecoms scene, with the proposed merger of Vocus and M2 to create a $3 billion company.
Retailers warning after hack attack
Fashion giant David Jones has had its computer system hacked and the private details of customers stolen.
TPP clearing final pharmaceutical hurdles
Trade Minister Andrew Robb says there is about a 50 per cent chance the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal will be signed today.
Twitter take-over unveils young voices
UNICEF has handed over control of its Twitter account to Syrian refugee children living in Turkey, Jordan and Austria.