Archived News for IT Professionals - March, 2013
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has released its annual self-assessment of the Authority’s performance, concluding that by and large, it is meeting or leading world’s best practice.
Telecom launches next-gen broadband
New Zealand telecommunications giant Telecom has launched its next generation ‘Ultra Fibre’ service, offering speeds of up to 100Mbps download/up to 50 Mbps upload.
Leighton sells telecom assets
Engineering giant Leighton Holdings has announced the sale of the majority of its telecommunications assets to Canada based Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan (OTPP).
Streamlined communications saves SA councils $6 million
A unique 10-year partnership between the South Australian Local Government Association (LGA) and consultancy firm Deloitte has saved an estimated $6 million in electronic communications and file management costs.
Telecom to shed jobs
Embattled New Zealand based telecommunications company Telecom has announced it will be shedding up to as many as 1,250 full time jobs in a bid to stem the companies losses.
Transfield wins Sydney NBN Contract
The National Broadband Network Co (NBN Co) has announced it has awrded a major contract to Transfield Services for the roll out of fibre optic broadband cable in the Sydney metropolitan and suburban areas.
Unis lead fibre breakthrough
A team of researchers from the University of Sydney and Monash University have led a breakthrough in optical fibre network technology.
Alliance to support ICT wizkids
The Australian Computer Society (ACS) and OAMPS Insurance Brokers have announced the formation of a strategic alliance designed to support and encourage young ICT entrepreneurs.
Giants front pricing inquiry
Consumer group Choice has weighed into the country’s on-going debate over IT pricing, after three IT giants fronted the Parliamentary Inquiry into IT pricing late last week.
iiNet hits the 10,000 NBN mark
Internet service provider iiNet has announced it has connected 10,000 customers to the National Broadband Network (NBN Co) via fibre, satellite and fixed wireless options.
IT collaboration to save lives
The University of Melbourne, IBM and National ICT Australia (NICTA) have announced a joint collaboration to develop the Australia Disaster Management Platform (ADMP), described as a ‘next generation open standards-based IT platform aimed at improving disaster management, protecting communities and potentially saving lives’.
McKenna named new NBN Co Chair
The National Broadband Network Co's (NBN) Chief Mike Quigley has welcomed the appointment of Siobhan McKenna as the company's new Chairman.
NBN Co revises rollout schedule
The National Broadband Network Co (NBN Co) has revised its rollout schedule of the mega-project, acknowledging a three-month delay to the decade long rollout.
STEM skill shortages holding back business
A shortage in crucial Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills in the current and emerging workforce is holding back Australian employers in their ongoing question to be more innovative, productive and competitive, according to a new report released by the Australian Industry Group (Ai Group).
Victoria announces telecommunications purchasing reform
The Victorian Government has announced it is currently undertaking market consultation as part of a new approach to the purchasing and management of telecommunications assets by the State Government.
Facebook fingerprint can expose intimate details finds research
New research from the University of Cambridge has painted an alarming picture of how innocuous digital behaviour can be used to infer intimate details and personality traits with an alarming degree of accuracy.
Innovation to drive digital economy
Google Australia’s Managing Director, Nick Leeder, has outlined how Australia can flourish in the digital future, saying that the country needs technologically innovative companies to supercharge its presence in the digital world.
SAP to expand Victorian presence
Global ICT giant SAP has announced it will further expand into the Victorian market by establishing its new Mission Control Centre (MCC) in Melbourne, creating up to 120 new high-tech jobs.
Swinburne hosts National ICT forum
Swinburne University of Technology has hosted a national information and communication technology forum to discuss ways that business industry, tertiary education and governments can better improve the development of the ICT profession and its role in building businesses and driving economic growth.
Visionstream wins NBN contract
Leighton subsidiary Visionstream has been awarded a $334 million contract by the National Broadband Network Co (NBN Co) to roll out fibre optic broadband in Victoria, Queensland and southern NSW.
ACCC releases ADSL access pricing scheme
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released a draft report on the final access determination (FAD) for the declared wholesale ADSL service that will seek to regulate the prices that Telstra can charge retailers for accessing key infrastructure.