Archived News for IT Professionals - April, 2017
The residents of Bruny Island are looking at what could be a solution to the nation’s energy issues.
Data-retention laws launched
Australia’s metadata retention laws have come into effect, but officials claim they will not be as easily accessible as some suggest.
Green light for new ideas
A new start-up accelerator has started funding exciting renewable energy projects.
Tiny diode could trigger big advance
Australian researchers are helping unlock new smaller everyday electronic devices.
Bank seeks quantum edge
The Commonwealth Bank is looking to get ahead of the risks and opportunities of quantum computing.
Big step in printed graphene
Researchers have printed electronic transistors using layered materials, opening up a new way to create next-gen devices.
Heart apps to shift stroke focus
Experts say we need to change the approach to preventing strokes, and there could be an app to help.
Lawyers launch Trump defense
Twitter is suing the US Government over claims that it demanded information on Twitter accounts that oppose President Donald Trump.
Neutrino hunt starts with nothing
Test runs of one of the world’s most advanced sensors have found nothing – exactly what they were looking for.
Red tape tying down med-tech
The CSIRO says red tape is holding back Australia’s medical technology and pharmaceutical industry.
New way to shrink quantum components
Australian engineers have come up with a new technique that will dramatically reduce the size of quantum computer parts.
Real centre for artificial studies
Australian researchers are bringing the AI revolution closer, with the opening of a new dedicated centre.
Powerful plant shapes tapped
Australian engineers are working on a new energy storage system based on the design of a leaf.