Archived News for IT Professionals - April, 2020
New developments mean the world may soon see all-solid-state battery technology.
Survey seeks VR views
A new survey has probed the potential for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) in the workplace.
Tech giants take on tracing
Apple and Google are working to build contact tracing technology into their operating systems.
Privacy risk in tracing apps
Authorities around the world are looking for technological means to control the COVID-19 pandemic.
ANZ backs death register
ANZ has worked with the NSW Government on a new website for individuals to notify the bank when a family member has died.
Smart toilets tested
An international team of researchers have developed a ‘smart toilet’ that can analyse the chemistry of urine and stool.
ATO buys home setups
The ATO has bought thousands of new laptops and monitors for staff to work from home.
Cactus tapped for next-gen fuels
Australian industry could turn to tequila to ease its fuel shortage woes.
Database puts experts on tap
Australia’s leading science academies have come together to launch a COVID-19 expert database.
Diamonds fire for guiding stars
Australian researchers have developed an improved laser system that will help large optical telescopes gather more accurate data.
Online shift attracts students
Southern Cross University (SCU) has seen an increase in enrolments after shifting its courses online.