Archived News for IT Professionals - June, 2015
Future flight through real bird's eyes
With each new engineering project it appears more likely the high-tech future will be based on Nature’s designs.
Smartboards seem to help
Smartboards are becoming universal in modern classrooms, much to the curmudgeon’s dismay, and an important research project has taken a look at whether or not the high-tech teaching tool actually helps.
CSIRO seeks to save NICTA jobs
The merger of some of Australia’s finest minds could see close to 200 of them unemployed.
Drug deals going digital
A new survey says more people are looking online for cheap prices on drugs like ecstasy and cocaine.
Musk issues mild warning to adapt or fail
Elon Musk says electric utilities should buy his battery systems or be put out of business by them.
Research takes trees to cutting-edge
Australian researchers are working on a way to use macadamia nuts as a 3D-printing medium.
New leaks show Australia seeks massive deregulation
WikiLeaks has released more information on Australia’s secret trade dealings.
New 'bots leap to rescue challenge
One of the US military’s futuristic creations has become untethered.
Queensland urges Uber to join taxi ranks
The Queensland Transport Minister appears to have taken a hard line in dealing with Uber, asking the company to shut down before she would speak to them.
WA seeks tech fix for traffic woes
WA’s RAC is looking at driverless cars as a solution to Perth's congestion problems.