Work on the Defence department’s billion-dollar new data centre capability has been set back.

The Federal Government has announced a review that could lead to the creation of an Australian space agency.

Research suggests commercial brain training apps mostly just improve the ability to play brain training apps.

Australian company Energy Renaissance has announced plans to build a giant battery factory in Darwin.

The AEC is working to protect its systems against potential election meddling.

Researchers have developed a way to detect and monitor human body language.

Telstra’s chief scientist Hugh Bradlow is retiring after 22 years at the telco.

A giant lithium ion battery will be installed in South Australia under an agreement ...

Another major government IT outlet has failed, with the ATO site going down at its busiest time.

An interactive map of Aboriginal massacres has been launched.

Engineers have designed tiny robots to remove disease-causing bacteria ...

Researchers are trying to improve sensing technology by learning from nature’s design book.

Australia's military is expected to launch a new information warfare unit.

US investment firm TPG Capital has withdrawn its offer to buy Fairfax Media.

TNT – one of Australia’s largest courier companies – has ground to a halt after being infected by the Petya Ransomware.

The ACCC has launched a broad investigation of the overall state of Australia’s telecommunication sector, with the National Broadband Network and 5G technology to be particular points of focus.

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