A new system will introduce collaborative, three-dimensional digital sketching to offices, classrooms studios and more.

Australian researchers are embarking on a project to create better-performing and more capable information technologies.

A life-saving solar-powered toilet has been developed for a UN-backed project to improve global sanitation.

A spongy plastic that soaks up carbon dioxide could ease the transition away from polluting fossil fuels and toward new energy sources, researchers say.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is cracking down on online dating scams, as people continue to be swindled out of their fortunes by romantic promises.

In an automated, robotic future, the common task of folding origami may no longer exist.

Tech firm IBM is programming its way to more efficient HR.

A large shell-shaped structure is sucking tonnes of rubbish out of a river for free.

The competition watchdog wants to cut the cost of mobile phone calls and text messages, and is calling for submissions from around the country on good ways to do it.

With the results of a review still looming, insiders say Australian renewable energy is “dead”.

An international engineering team has developed a surface that can actively control how fluids or particles move across it.

Researchers have developed a new display that can correct for vision defects, removing the need for prescription glasses or contact lenses for viewing.

The ever-increasing human population will push many things to scarcity, but some designers say it will provide them with more advanced materials.

The media has been banned from reporting on a case that the fugitive Julian Assange calls “an embarrassing corruption scandal involving the Australian government”.

Concern is coming from several directions over possible changes to Australian internet law.

A new device is giving Australian researchers a 'Google street view' of galaxies.

Telstra is planning to cut more than 650 jobs in Australia, the latest in thousands of job losses from the local telecom in the last two years.

Researchers say they have improved the venerable lithium battery – by adding more lithium.

Some engineering companies are bucking the economic trend, taking on more people despite the end of the mining construction boom flooding the market.

Researchers say new media technologies including smart phone apps and online services are an effective way to improve the health of new mothers and their babies.

A leading energy economist says Australian electricity is changing, and the stranglehold that traditional power companies have enjoyed is beginning to weaken.

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