The Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 has been passed through Federal Parliament.

The Bill will enable the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO) to more closely cooperate and assist one another in support of key national security priorities.

The Bill also provides greater flexibility for ASIO to share intelligence and information with the broader national security community, within strict guidelines. It will also enable ASIO to cooperate with and provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in relation to telecommunications interception and other areas of expertise such as technical support, logistics and analytical advice.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today issued a revised list of initial points of interconnect* (POI) to the National Broadband Network (NBN).

Former IBM Australia chief Glenn Boreham has been appointed to as the chairman of the Convergence Review Committee, which will review of Australia’s communications and media regulatory environment.

A report into emerging technologies and their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry has been released.

Australia’s ICT Research Centre of Excellence NICTA, enterprise software company SAP and Europe’s largest application-oriented research organisation Fraunhofer have announced the opening of the Future Logistics Living Lab. 

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has announced that it will invest in a multi-million dollar Next Generation Data Centre in Eastern Creek, Western Sydney, expected to open later this year.

An industry watchdog which can police the cloud computing market is needed to avoid enterprises coming unstuck when offloading their computing to a cloud provider, according to industry research specialist Longhaus.

Technology sector stalwart Peter Coroneos has announced he will retire from his role as chief executive of the Internet Industry Association in June.

Australia's national broadband network will cost taxpayers 24 times as much as South Korea's but deliver services at just one-tenth the speed, new research claims.

A shortage of IT professionals will drive up salaries and force some companies to look overseas to source talent, according to the annual Robert Walters Salary Survey.

CSIRO has taken its prototype Ngara rural wireless broadband technology out of the lab and into the fields near the town of Smithton in north-west Tasmania.

The former deputy chief executive of The Australian newspaper, Nick Leeder, will take the helm of Google's local operations in late March.

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